- Author: Eckhart Tolle
- Publisher: New World Library
- Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Link Amazon : Book The power of Now
- Pages: 258
- Time to Read: 19 Days
🚀 The Book in 3 Sentences
- To live in the now is the greatest power
- All the stress, pain and unhappiness occur because of a separation between the body and the mind
- Not the past nor the future is relevant only the now
🕵🏼Who Should Read It?
The content of the book addresses everyone's life, and every person on this earth fights against the mind, their beliefs, and their emotions. This is why everyone should read this book. However, what I have to say, though, is that I can imagine the style of the book is not for everyone. The book is written in a sort of FAQ format, which is not everyone's favourite. Additionally, the book has a spiritual touch, which may be a bit too much for some people. But despite these points, I would highly recommend everybody to read this book.
☘️ How the Book Changed Me
The book changed me positively, as I am now more aware of the importance of being present in many situations. If I experience strong emotions, I remind myself of the sayings of Eckhart Tolle, and I try to acknowledge the feeling and let it pass away. Another thing that I started doing because of the book is being more present in daily tasks such as brushing my teeth, walking, or eating. All of these things have already had an impact on my overall level of happiness and appreciation in life.
✍️ My Top 3 Quotes
“The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive.” Eckhart Tolle
“You cannot be both unhappy and fully present in the Now.” Eckhart Tolle
“Resistance is the mind.” Eckhart Tolle
📒 Summary + Notes
As mentioned before, the book is written in an FAQ style, which means that Tolle addresses posed questions and provides answers to them. The book has no underlying storyline. Because of this, I will try to group the posed questions and explain how Eckhart answers them.
The Now
Eckhart Tolle explains that the "Now" is the only thing to strive for in life. He states that if someone manages to be fully present in the present moment, they have achieved the greatest power in the world. Tolle elaborates that all problems, self-doubt, and stress arise when we fail to live in the present moment. If we dwell on past events or constantly worry about the future, it becomes nearly impossible to find happiness and live a stress-free life. The issue with the past is that we allow our past experiences and actions to limit our potential in the present. The problem with the future is that it is merely an illusion and a product of our imagination. Our minds tend to continually attempt to predict the future, but most of these predictions are filled with negative or worst-case scenarios.
How to arrive in the now?
There are multiple ways to enter the present moment, but one of the most commonly used and recognized methods is meditation. Of course, there are various forms of meditation, but one of the simplest forms is focusing on your breath. During meditation, you become the observer of your breath and your body in general. Your thoughts become like clouds that come and disappear. This allows you to reach a state of deep calm and tranquillity: the present moment.
In your daily life, there are many opportunities to be more present in the now. One possibility is to fully feel every step as you walk or to be fully present while eating your meals. You can engage all your senses and feel all the muscles working as you eat.
These brief and small moments of presence in the present moment will dissolve stress and negative thoughts, ultimately improving your day and overall happiness.
The mind
On the journey of becoming more present, it is vital to acknowledge that you are not the mind. If you believe that you are your mind, you create an illusion of separateness, the illusion that there is a distinct "you" and a completely separate "other." This leads to unconsciousness and a lack of presence. Eckhart emphasizes that it is not necessary to understand the mind on a scientific level, but rather to recognize that you are not your mind. It's important not to mistake the mind itself for a bad thing. The real issue arises when you seek your true self solely within the mind.
The mind also significantly influences the body, which is why being present is crucial. If you cannot feel your emotions and remain disconnected from them, you will eventually experience them solely on a physical level, manifesting as physical problems or symptoms.
To become free from stress and pain, one must surrender. This aspect aligns with Stoicism, as Stoics like Marcus Aurelius (to learn more about Marcus Aurelius, check out this blog: Meditations) often state, "What is natural cannot be bad."
The pain you experience is always a result of non-acceptance, an unconscious resistance to what is. Some spiritual teachings even go as far as to claim that all pain in the world is merely an illusion. Surrendering in the context of pain means going into and through the pain instead of resisting it. This may seem counterintuitive, but it leads to accepting and acknowledging the pain, ultimately reducing its dominance.
Eckhart Tolle explains all these concepts with a simple and informal writing style, making the reading of the book highly enjoyable and leading to eye-opening realizations. I highly recommend reading the book to gain a deeper understanding of the power of the present moment. I hope to see you in my next blog post.
With regards
Devin Hasler