The school of life
A book by Alain de Botton about Emotional Education
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A book by Alain de Botton about Emotional Education
A book about the art of negotiating and being a better negotiator.
A book about how to create real honest communication and how to become a better communicator
A book about the problems of dopamine flooded world and the problem that come with it.
A book about finding a meaning and purpose in life.
A book about finding your meaningfully mission and with that your greatness
A book about the principles and practices of stoicism.
A book by Eckhart Tolle in which he explains the importance of living in the now.
A book about Emotional Intelligence, the importance of it and how to improve it.
A book about the values and life of Marcus Aurelius a Roman emperor and former practitioner of stoicism.
A book that explores the concept of discipline and how it can help us achieve success in all areas
A Book that will change your morning and with that your life